Katteindhegning/Cat Enclosure is my
collection of links to cat runs and enclosed garden. Get ideas
for your own enclosure from the works of others. The English version of this page still pending Cat ID - tattoo and chip.A runaway or hurt cat can often be identified by a
microchip or earmarking that has been submitted to a
registry. These are usually national, but two
international registries should be mentioned: Europetnet and
Petmaxx. Or
you may just google "Pet recovery service".
The two Danish cat registries have now joined
DyreregisterPortalen, which is our main portal for lost
pets - cats, dogs, ferrets, birds, reptiles and many others.
Det Danske Katteregister was started by the Danish vets in
cooperation with a number of major animal welfare and cat
organizations. Registration is charged with DKK 110.
Dansk Katte-register is run by the 'Inges
Kattehjem' shelters. Registration is free.
In Denmark lost and found cats are advertised at Kattens
Værn and also at Dyrenes Beskyttelse. Please make sure that your cat is marked and the number
submitted to your local register - before it runs away... Cat fora.KatteGale is a major Danish cat forum
- in Danish. Nice place where those hit by the cat craze share
their love of cats - with and without pedigree papers. The tone
gets rough at times, but you never doubt this is driven by love
of the cats. Regitze Birketoft runs the site free for it's
users and without ads.
Dekatten is "the other Danish forum"...
The British Pictures of Cats site
is a favourite of mine. From a site mainly for showing some great
cat pictures it has developed into a resource of knowledge
covering all aspects of cat life. The site generates money from
Google advertising, which creator Michael Broad passes on to cat
charities all over the World.
On The Animal Rescue Site you'll find a
button, where you can donate food and care for animals in
need for free. All is paid for by the advertizers of the
site depending on the number of clicks. Feel free to copy this
link to your own homepage.
FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis).FIP is an incurable peritonitis, which mainly hits kittens
and young cats. Our beloved Ivanhoe unfortunately was one...
SOCK FIP (Save Our Cats
and Kittens from Feline Infectious Peritonitis).
Græsrodsorganisation SOCK FIP er drevet af folk, der selv har
erfaring med denne frygtelige sygdom. Det er en gruppe af
katteejere, opdrættere, katteværns-grupper, dyrlæger og
genetikere, som samarbejder om at yde støtte til FIP-forskning på
UC Davis Center for Companion Animal Health.
Dr. Diane D. Addie is a veterinay surgeon
and virologist at the University of Glasgow. Her website exists
to promote knowledge, to give the latest news on FIP treatment
and prevention and to raise funds for much needed research.
Fight declawing! In Denmark like in most of Europe
declawing is illegal. In case you didn't know, declawing
means surgically removing the the claws and the outer joints of
the toes. Imagine having your own fingertips cut off. An
estimated 45% of American household cats are subject to this
cruel mistreatment - either because their owners care more for
their furniture than for their cats, or because greedy vets
(contrary to their own ethical rules) talk them into having a
combined package of vaccination, neutering/spaying and declawing.
Read more on the link.
Cat Clubs:FIFe (Fédération International Féline) is
one of the major cat organizations. It is an international -
although mainly European - union of cat clubs.
The Danish FIFe member is Felis Danica.
Racekatten happens to be the club where my membership is
It is one of four Danish purebred cat clubs joined in Felis
Danica, the Danish FIFe member. The three other Felis Danica
clubs are DARAK, JYRAK and Katteklubben and these four clubs arrange
most cat shows in Denmark.
TICA (The International Cat Association) is
the other major international cat organization present in
The Danish cat club Viking
Cats is associated to TICA and also arrange cat shows in
Some Danish Somali breeders. The Somali is a favourite of mine, and these experienced
breeders will surely be able to advice you:
Teresa Guldager's Dushara cattery
(ruddy and sorrel)
Jensen's Catika cattery
(ruddy and sorrel)
Mariann Zittlau Jacobsen's Zitt Cat cattery
PawPeds is a pedigree database containing information about many
different breeds (including Somalis), with functions for
calculations of the inbreeding coefficient and pedigree
Far from complete, but still it's the place to look
for pedigree information.
E.R.o'S. (Electronic Register of
Somalis) is a pedigree database containing information about the
Somali breed.
It's smaller than PawPeds, but quite useful for reference.
All pages have been checked on the W3C test page.
The World Wide Web Consortium is the main international
organization for web standards.
My favourite browser is Opera, but all new pages are checked on
Firefox and Explorer as well. If you encounter problems with your
own browser, please let me know (see adress below).
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