Having fulfilled his breeding duties with two litters Rags moved in with us as a neuter in October 2011. He is curious, affectionate and very well socialized boy, who clearly has been used to mingling with many different cats. Special talents were required for living with our two old ladies, Milly og Snow White, but he had a few tricks up his sleeve and soon had them both charmed.
Although he had never been to the cat shows, it soon turned out that he had the right character for that as well. He enjoys looking out the window as we travel, meeting all the other cats and especially being fondled and admired.
Much to my surprise he has won "Best in Show" once and been nominated four times, but first of all we have a good time promoting the breed. So far he has won the titles of Supreme Premier (FIFe) and Quadruple Grand Champion Alter (TICA).
We are most grateful that Teresa has entrusted this wonderful cat to our care, where hopefully he will enjoy a long and happy life of indulgence. Pedigree.